Freestyle / Chant méditatif - 11.02.2025
A lab for voice explorers.
Dare to sing freely! Come and play with your own voice and that of others.
Based on suggested themes, content and form, we'll spontaneously explore our sound expression and attempt to compose collective or individual works, while freeing our voices.
Body, breath, feeling and play will serve as the basis for our exploration.
All levels welcome.
Schedule: Tue, 02/11/2025, 6.30 - 8.00 PM
Location : INECC Luxembourg
52 avenue de la Gare
L-1610 Luxembourg-Gare
Leader : Val Cielle
Price: 15 € | 7,50 € (<27 years) | Kulturpass: 1,50 €
Our website is currently under construction.
Please contact us for any further information:
info@inecc.lu / +352 26 430 481.
Thank you for your patience and keep singing!