Melodic Vibrations 24 | Semestre 2
Join the INECC Pop Choir! If you like singing contemporary music, you'll fit right in!
From September 2024, the Melodic Vibrations choir will resume weekly rehearsals on Mondays. Sing the best Pop and Rock melodies under the direction of Nelly Pereira.
You don't know how to read music? No problems: To sing in this choir, participants do not require any particular musical knowledge.
Register now !
Date: 16/09/24 every monday (except school holidays)
Schedule: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Location: Sang a Klang au Pfaffenthal - 1, rue des Trois Glands, L-1629 Luxembourg-Pfaffenthal
Price: €75 per semester
Our website is currently under construction.
Please contact us for any further information:
info@inecc.lu / +352 26 430 481.
Thank you for your patience and keep singing!